Use Cases for Power Platform

Heard about Power Platform yet? More to the point, have you heard how powerful it can be?

It can be a bit daunting when you look into it, especially if you don’t have a tangible use case for your business. Well, that’s where we come in. Search your issue below or filter by industry to find your Power Platform use case.

Hover over each use case to learn more about how it works and how it can benefit your business. Then get in touch with our New Zealand-based Microsoft experts to have a solution in place quicker than you’d think.

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Power Apps





All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Expense Reporting Automation

Streamline the process of submitting, approving and reimbursing expenses.

Employees submit expenses via Power Apps, which are then routed through Power Automate for approval. Approved expenses are reimbursed automatically in the system.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

E-commerce, Logistics, Manufacturing, Retail

Inventory Management

Track and manage inventory levels, automate reorder alerts.

Inventory levels are monitored using Power BI, triggering reorder alerts via Power Automate when stock is low and all displayed via a custom view using Power Apps.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Employee Onboarding Workflow

Automate the steps involved in onboarding new employees, including document collection and task assignments.

New hires receive onboarding tasks and documents via Power Apps, which are tracked and managed through Power Automate to ensure completion.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Document Approval System

Implement a streamlined approval process for documents requiring multiple signatures.

Documents are uploaded and routed for signatures via Power Apps, with Power Automate ensuring the sequence of approvals and final document storage.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Healthcare, Insurance, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Customer Feedback Collection

Use Power Apps to create a feedback form and Power Automate to analyse responses and generate reports.

Feedback is collected through Power Apps forms, with Power Automate aggregating responses and generating insights in Power BI. Everything is searchable using Copilot.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Microsoft Copilot studio - helping businesses with transformative collaboration


Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Administration, Healthcare, Services

Appointment Scheduling

Automate the scheduling and reminders for customer appointments.

Customers book appointments via Power Apps, which sync with calendars and send automated reminders using Power Automate.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Administration, Healthcare, Services

Finance Automation

Automate your entire finance process including accounts payable, receivable, expense management & more, with full ERP integration.

This instead uses Esker, an industry leading solution capable of automating Accounts Payable, Receivables, Ordering, Claims & Expenses and so much more.

Esker source to pay and order to cash solutions for New Zealand businesses

Esker Source-to-Pay

Finance, Insurance

Risk Management Dashboard

Visualize and analyze financial risks and compliance metrics.

Data is pulled into Power BI dashboards from various sources via Power Automate, providing real-time risk assessments and compliance metrics.

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Administration, Education

Student Enrolment Automation

Streamline the student enrolment process with automated workflows.

Enrollment forms are processed through Power Apps, with Power Automate handling document verification and status updates to students.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Logistics, Manufacturing

Customs Documentation Automation

Automate the creation and processing of customs documents.

Customs data/documents are entered via Power Apps, processed through Power Automate, Azure AI maps using metadata and everything is tracked for compliance and approvals.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Azure AI within Microsoft Power Platform

Azure AI

Construction, Government

Permit & License Processing

Automate the application and approval process for permits and licenses.

Applications are submitted through Power Pages, routed through using Power Automate and Power Apps for approvals, and tracked for status updates.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power Pages for external facing business websites

Power Pages

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Compliance Tracking

Monitor and ensure compliance with industry regulations and standards.

Compliance data is tracked and reported via Power BI, with Power Automate ensuring continuous monitoring and alerting for any deviations.

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Administration, Healthcare, Services

Invoice Capture

Invoice recognition with advanced AI capabilities. Reading and processing invoices at scale for any size business.

Not quite Power Platform, but for invoicing and Accounts Payableyou can't look further than Esker. It's AI & machine learning technology scales with your business, whether you process 5,000 or 500,000 invoices.

Esker source to pay and order to cash solutions for New Zealand businesses

Esker Source-to-Pay

Finance, Insurance

Automated Financial Reporting

Generate and distribute financial reports automatically.

Financial data is collected and processed through Power Automate, generating reports in Power BI and distributing them via email.

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Finance, Insurance, Real Estate

Loan Application Workflow

Automate the loan application process including approval.

Applications are submitted via custom user portals using Power Pages, Power Automate manages document collection, verification and approval workflows. All visible on a custom back-end Power App with Copilot capabilities added.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Copilot studio - helping businesses with transformative collaboration


Microsoft Power Pages for external facing business websites

Power Pages

Administration, Healthcare, Services

Contract Lifecycle Management

Automate contract creation through to signing with DocuSign CLM.

Power Platform can handle contracts, but if you're looking for a full contract lifecycle solution, look no further than DocuSign Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)

DocuSign eSignature and CLM solutions for NZ businesses

DocuSign CLM


Production Line Monitoring

Real-time monitoring and reporting of production line performance.

Sensor data is fed into Power BI for real-time monitoring, with Power Automate generating alerts for any anomalies.

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Manufacturing, Retail

Quality Control Checks

Automate quality control checks and reporting.

Quality control data is captured via Power Apps, analysed in Power BI, with Power Automate generating reports and alerts.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Administration, Healthcare, Services

Cash Allocation

Automated matching of incoming cash to invoices, including advanced recognition using built-for-purpose AI.

Not quite Power Platform, but for Accounts Receivable and Cash Allocation automation, Esker is the solution you need. A scalable platform capable of automating your entire finance department.

Esker source to pay and order to cash solutions for New Zealand businesses

Esker Order-to-Cash

Administration, Government, Manufacturing, Real Estate

Maintenance Request System

Automate the submission and tracking of maintenance requests.

Requests are submitted via a custom Power Pages website, tracked through Power Automate, status updates are provided to requesters via Power Apps with full Copilot capabilities.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Copilot studio - helping businesses with transformative collaboration


Microsoft Power Pages for external facing business websites

Power Pages

Construction, Logistics, Manufacturing, Services

Job Scheduling App

Custom job scheduling system to automate staff & equipment requirements.

Job assignments are managed via Power Apps, coordinating schedules and staff, equipment & resource allocation.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps


Community Feedback Collection

Collect and analyse feedback from community members.

Feedback is collected through Power Pages portal, aggregated and analysed via Power Automate & Power Apps, visualised in Power BI and accessible through Copilot.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Microsoft Copilot studio - helping businesses with transformative collaboration


Microsoft Power Pages for external facing business websites

Power Pages

Administration, Healthcare, Services

Digital eSignature Management

Deal faster and smarter with DocuSign eSignature.

Digital signing with eSignatures have never been easier. Send and sign documents faster, more efficiently and save money.

DocuSign eSignature and CLM solutions for NZ businesses

DocuSign CLM

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Vehicle Maintenance Scheduling

Automate the scheduling of fleet maintenance and repairs.

Maintenance schedules are managed via Power Apps, with automated reminders and updates through Power Automate.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate


Equipment Maintenance Tracking

Track and schedule maintenance for construction equipment.

Equipment maintenance logs are updated via Power Apps, with scheduling and notifications handled by Power Automate.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Administration, Healthcare, Services

Order Management

Automate your entire ordering process with enhanced workflows and analytics.

This uses Esker instead of Power Platform, a solution we've been implementing in New Zealand for years. Automate with order management and boost customer happiness and speed up order processing.

Esker source to pay and order to cash solutions for New Zealand businesses

Esker Order-to-Cash

Construction, Manufacturing

Safety Compliance Monitoring

Ensure compliance with safety regulations and standards.

Safety data collected and compliance alerts are managed by Power Automate. Power BI allows monitoring of the whole process through custom dashboards.

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Construction, Logistics, Services

Budget Tracking & Analysis

Use Power BI to track and analyze construction project budgets.

Budget data is fed into Power BI for tracking, generating reports and alerts for budget deviations.

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Construction, Logistics, Services

Sales Quote Automation

Streamline the sales process and automate quotes & proposals.

Sales data fed into custom Power Pages forms, managed on the back-end via Power Apps. Power Automate generates quotes and proposals and Power BI tracks the whole process with Copilot integration.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Microsoft Copilot studio - helping businesses with transformative collaboration


Microsoft Power Pages for external facing business websites

Power Pages

Administration, Finance, Insurance, Services

New Customer Welcome

Automate a welcome pack for new customers including ordering & shipping.

New customer data is processed through Power Apps, coordinating the creation and shipping of welcome packs.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Finance, Insurance, Services

Customer Renewal Notices

Automate the customer renewal process including notices & follow ups.

Renewal notices are managed via Power Automate, with reminders, follow-ups and predictive reporting & tracking through Power BI.

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Digital Forms

Digitise forms and use data properly internally or via external websites.

Custom forms are digitised via Power Pages, with data integration and processing handled by Power Automate. Copilot makes data accessible for your staff.

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power Pages for external facing business websites

Power Pages

Microsoft Copilot studio - helping businesses with transformative collaboration


All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

System Integration

Connecting multiple systems ensures interoperability & security.

Data is synchronised between systems via Power Automate, ensuring seamless integration and security. Connect ERP's, CRM's, DAM's and more.

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

AI-Based Document Capture

Use enhanced recognition to scan packing slips, permits, applications and more. Azure even reads handwriting.

Documents are scanned and processed via Power Apps, with handwriting recognition and data extraction handled by Azure AI, then managed and routed by Power Automate.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Azure AI within Microsoft Power Platform

Azure AI

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Credential Verifications

Automate the verification and approval process for anything.

Credentials are submitted via Power Pages, Azure AI recognises text and converts to usable metadata. Power Automate along with Power Apps manage the verification process and update records accordingly.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Azure AI within Microsoft Power Platform

Azure AI

Microsoft Copilot studio - helping businesses with transformative collaboration


Microsoft Power Pages for external facing business websites

Power Pages

Construction, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Services

Vendor Onboarding & Maintenance

Ensure new vendors are onboarded correctly including ongoing communication.

Vendor information is collected via Power Pages portals. Onboarding tasks and ongoing communication managed through Power Automate. Power Apps & Power BI aggregate all data and create automated reports & alerts.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Microsoft Power Pages for external facing business websites

Power Pages

Logistics, Manufacturing, Retail, Services

Time & Attendance Management

Track attendance and time spend on projects or tasks including reconciliation.

Attendance data is captured via Power Apps, with Power Automate handling time tracking and reconciliation. Power BI creates recurring reports and distributes accordingly.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Data & Content Migration

Migrating content from legacy apps to modern systems with Power Automate.

Data is extracted from legacy systems and migrated to modern platforms via Power Automate, ensuring data integrity and continuity.

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Batch Processing

Automate tedious processing of bulk documents or applications.

Bulk documents are processed via Azure AI & Power Automate, ensuring efficient handling and reducing manual workload. Power Apps give you a custom view and Power Pages offers external connections.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Azure AI within Microsoft Power Platform

Azure AI

Microsoft Power Pages for external facing business websites

Power Pages

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Vendor Portal Integration

Seamless integration with partner/vendor portals using Power Automate.

Partner and vendor portals are integrated with internal systems via Power Automate, ensuring smooth data exchange and communication.

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

General Data Entry

Automate data entry from forms or physical documents, spreadsheets and other systems.

Data is captured via Power Apps (internal) or Power Pages (external), verified with Azure AI character recognition, Power Automate processes and enters into relevant systems, reducing manual entry and errors.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Azure AI within Microsoft Power Platform

Azure AI

Microsoft Power Pages for external facing business websites

Power Pages

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Process Monitoring & Optimisation

Find processes ripe for improvement using AI.

Process data is analysed via Power BI and AI models, identifying areas for optimisation, with Power Automate implementing improvements.

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Azure AI within Microsoft Power Platform

Azure AI

All Industries, Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Healthcare, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services

Data Reconciliation

Sync data between systems and ensure one source of truth.

Data from various systems is synchronised and reconciled via Azure AI & Power Automate, ensuring consistency and accuracy across the organisation. Power Apps & Power BI offer custom apps & dashboard views.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Microsoft Power BI New Zealand - Digital Transformation Experts

Power BI

Azure AI within Microsoft Power Platform

Azure AI

Finance, Insurance, Retail, Services

Customer Portal

Upload applications, documents, identification and more with a personalised dashboard.

Customers upload necessary documents via Power Pages, Azure AI verifies and Power Automate manages storage and status updates through a personalised dashboard. Integrated with Copilot.

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Azure AI within Microsoft Power Platform

Azure AI

Microsoft Copilot studio - helping businesses with transformative collaboration


Microsoft Power Pages for external facing business websites

Power Pages

Administration, Construction, Logistics, Manufacturing, Services

Vendor Contract Management

Upload supplier contracts, extract metadata, store and manage lifecycle

Supplier contracts are uploaded via Power Apps, metadata is extracted and managed through Azure AI & Copilot, Power Automate ensures proper lifecycle management with alerts & routing.

Microsoft Power Apps implemented by local NZ team

Power Apps

Fujifilm Process Automation's local New Zealand experts in Microsoft Power Automate

Power Automate

Azure AI within Microsoft Power Platform

Azure AI

Microsoft Copilot studio - helping businesses with transformative collaboration


Looking to Automate Something?

Talk with our experts now.

FUJIFILM Process Automation are your local, New Zealand based experts ready to help you on your Microsoft journey. We’ve been implementing best-in-class automation solutions for Kiwis for years and this includes Microsoft’s Power Platform.

The Power Platform ecosystem integrates with hundreds of your favourite tools, including ERP’s, SAAS solutions as well as the rest of Microsoft tools including Office, 365 and more. So whether you need a new Power App for HR onboarding, or perhaps a new workflow to enhance your sales process with Power Automate or automated reporting using Power BI, get in touch with us today and we’ll get you started.


Microsoft Power Platform is a suite of applications, connectors, and data platforms that provides a rapid development environment to build custom apps, automate workflows, and analyse data. It includes Power BI, Power Apps, Power Automate, Power Pages and Power Virtual Agents.
Here at FUJIFILM Process Automation, we offer expert implementation and customisation of Microsoft Power Platform solutions tailored to your business needs. Our team of specialists will help streamline your operations, automate processes, and improve data insights, ensuring you maximise the benefits of digital transformation.
Microsoft Power Platform solutions can benefit pretty much all industries including Administration, Construction, E-commerce, Education, Finance, Government, Insurance, Logistics, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Retail, Services, and more. It is versatile and can be customised to fit specific industry requirements.
Yes, Microsoft Power Platform can integrate with a variety of existing systems and applications. It offers a wide range of connectors and APIs to ensure seamless interoperability and data flow between different platforms. If you have an industry specific, niche or perhaps a legacy application where an API does not yet exist, our expert New Zealand based team of developers can make one for you.
Automating processes with Microsoft Power Platform can lead to increased efficiency, reduced manual errors, improved compliance, better data management, and significant time and cost savings. It allows your team to focus on more strategic tasks rather than routine manual work.
FUJIFILM Process Automation ensures a successful implementation by conducting a thorough analysis of your business processes, customising solutions to fit your specific needs, providing comprehensive training, and offering ongoing support to ensure smooth operation and continuous improvement. Better yet, everything we do is done by certified experts based right here in New Zealand and that includes ongoing local support and customer success.
We offer continuous support including troubleshooting, updates, enhancements, and training to ensure your Power Platform solutions remain effective and up-to-date. Our local support team is always ready to assist you with any issues and our customer success team is always on your side ensuring you get the most out of your solution.
To get started with Microsoft Power Platform for your business, get in touch. Our team will discuss your requirements, demonstrate potential solutions, and create a customised implementation plan to meet your specific needs.
The cost of implementing Microsoft Power Platform solutions varies depending on the complexity and scale of the project. We provide tailored quotes based on a detailed assessment of your business needs and objectives. We can even help with licensing whether you need the entire Power Platform suite or just a few licenses for Power Apps for example.
Yes, Power Platform includes Power BI, a powerful tool for data analysis and reporting. It allows you to create interactive, real-time dashboards and reports, providing valuable insights to drive informed business decisions. We have experts on hand ready to lend a hand with Power BI too.
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