Paper-Free, is it Achievable In a Workplace?

Workplaces today are under immense pressure having to continuously change to keep up with the times.

With technology rapidly changing old processes become quickly redundant, but surely there’s a way around this?

Process Automation is the solution. Automated processes replace old, manual workflows and at the same time offer peace of mind as they scale alongside technology and your business.

Going paper-free is 100% achievable and our local NZ experts are here to help with your Process Automation questions and needs.

Get in touch today and see how far a paper-free workplace will take your business.

There have been definite improvements to the speed of processing. If you can digitise the process, it makes everything much faster and more efficient and you are able to free up people to do more valuable activities.

Trustpower has used the move into its purpose-built new head office in the Tauranga CBD to transition to an almost paper-free business environment. Working closely with FUJIFILM Process Automation, Trustpower used our Next Gen MPS system to achieve their paper-free goals.

Trustpower’s strategic initiatives managed Alice Thomson said the transition to digital emerged as part of its Synergy project.

“We recognised that in order to fully enable our staff to align with the activity-based working style, you need to ensure they would be able to be mobile,” she said.

“There have been definite improvements to the speed of processing. If you can digitise the process, it makes everything much faster and more efficient and you are able to free up people to do more valuable activities.”

FUJIFILM Process Automation NZ General Manager, Cameron Mount said the company was seeing a lot of digital disruption across businesses. And while the extent of embracing change was unique to Trustpower amongst FUJIFILM Process Automation’s Bay of Plenty customers, it was very much a trend nationally.

“Our customers are all on that journey. You are dealing with so much more information coming into the enterprise. The challenge was to manage that inflow as well as maintaining all the compliance aspects. Although Fujifilm was perceived as a photocopying company, the company’s work was moving from being transaction-based to becoming part of their customers’ communications flow,” he said.

“It’s a shifting market. We’re doing an enormous amount of work that is outwardly facing, where we produce valuable personalised output as opposed to generic paper information”

Trustpower goes Paper-Free using New Zealand Automation experts - Giving automation freedom to this Kiwi brand and enabling them for future digitisation.
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