A fresh look at learning with DocuShare

Ormiston Primary deploys 'day one' efficient document management processes

FUJIFILM Process Automation implemented a NAGs (National Administration Guidelines) compliant document management solution, DocuShare for Ormiston Primary to efficiently store, manage and retrieve documents, and automate inefficient manual tasks for the staff.

Ormiston Primary is a new state primary school with 260 students and a plan to expand capacity to 700. The establishment of this new school in Flatbush, Auckland, provided the opportunity for its seasoned Leader of Learning to implement efficient, technologically-driven processes from the very start, unencumbered by legacy equipment or processes. Part of that included the introduction of a document management solution which addresses the full lifecycle of information flow – from digital, to paper, and back again.

Scalable, secure solution to support a growing school

Maximised storage space

Establishment of best practice, delivering fast, efficient filing

Heath McNeil, Leader of Learning at Ormiston Primary; sought a solution to streamline how the school stores, manages and retrieves supplier invoices, student enrolments and administrative/historical records, while eliminating or automating time-consuming, tedious tasks. 

The new system needed to minimise paper usage and storage, and make it easy to search for stored content.

One of the things you never have enough of in a school is storage space

DocuShare - Content and Document Management System for Schools and the Education Sector in New Zealand.

Quick Learners

McNeil and the school’s office administrator use DocuShare every day. The previously tedious job of manual filing has reduced dramatically, taking just two days to enter a year’s worth of paperwork into DocuShare. The office administrator has completely revised her opinion of the chore, and now has the capacity to manage more valuable work.

In day-to-day terms, the solution makes it easy for users to find content, without the need to understand and then navigate through folder hierarchies, or know the titles of documents beforehand. Should a staff member leave, their documents can be quickly located by other users by searching for key words, ensuring the retention of institutional knowledge.

By granting users permission to only access content appropriate to their role at the school, the security of confidential information is ensured. DocuShare is also completely scalable, so as the school’s roll reaches capacity, there will be no need to review the solution.

While Ormiston Primary currently hosts DocuShare on an internal server, it intends to move to an externally hosted model to take advantage of its mobility functionality. Eventually, all staff will be able to access and use DocuShare collaboratively, both on and off-site.

FUJIFILM’s experience in the education sector and knowledge of NAG requirements has combined with McNeil’s practical knowledge to deliver a solution which caters for the school’s evolving administrative needs, meets compliance requirements and supports it in the delivery of modern learning.

You don’t want a room full of cardboard boxes with accounts and invoices when you don’t have enough room for gym mats or something that’s going to make a real difference to the learning of the children that attend the school. Having DocuShare in place has allowed us to manage document growth and our precious space more effectively.

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