Payment types and volume
What is the total number of payments per month
Approx number of BPAY/Wire/EFT/ACH/Electronic payments per month
Approx no. of cheque payments per month
Approx number of Credit Cards per month
Bank(s) used
Do you receive bank files/statements electronically?
What are the bank file format(s)
Existing Cash Allocation Process
Approximate value / age of unallocated cash
Do you have any automation? If yes, please give approximate levels of automation
Who’s in charge of allocating payment within the organization? Is there a dedicated team? How many FTE?
Do you use remittances to allocate payments? How many remittances/month do you receive? In what format(s)?
Do you have any automation to process these Remittance Advices? i.e. OCR to extract data or conversion tool to load into ERP
Do you manage highly complex payments allocation? For example, one payment for multiple accounts and invoices? (Please list all scenarios)
Do you offer some discount on prepayments? If so, how many different rates?
Do you have to deal with deductions? What types? How do you currently manage them? Is that identifiable on the Remittance (deduction code, claim number, etc.)?
Sales Ledger (ERP)
Sales Ledger/ERP System(s) used
Number of internal Companies / Divisions
Current Process
Please provide biggest pain in the process today and the main drivers for the project
Claims & Deductions - Volumes
What is the volume of claims and deductions per month?
What type of claims do you process? What are the main reasons for these claims?
What is the number of active customers? What percentage do raise claims?
Organisation around Claims & Deductions
How many FTE involved in the Claims and Deductions Process?
Are other departments involved (Sales, Admin, etc.)? If yes, how do you collaborate (email, reports, CRM…)?
Current Claims & Deductions process
Is the process automated today? Please explain how
In what solution do you currently log/record these claims?
How do you receive these claims? What % do you receive by email? What % do you have to download from a customer’s claims portal? Other?
Are all claims received prior to the payment or do you discover the claim on the remittance?
If yes, how often and do you have to request the claim document from the customer?
Is there an approval process to review/approve these claims? How is it done today (via an existing claims’ solution, the ERP, via email, other…)?
Does the approval process depend on the type of claim (pricing, quantity related)?
Is there a delegation of authority for approval of the claim based on $ amount claimed?
Do you dispute/reject a lot of these claims? In full or partially?
What % of claims are approved and result in a credit note?
Reason for change
Please provide biggest pain in the process today and the main drivers for the project
Invoices & Customer Volumes
What is the volume of invoices/month? Please provide % of invoices sent by email, post, EDI, portal, etc.
What % of invoices are paid late? How late?
What is the number of active customers? How many pay late?
Organisation & Collections Process
How many FTE involved in the Collection Process?
Are other departments involved (Sales, Admin, etc.)? If yes, how do you collaborate (email, reports, CRM…)?
Current Process
Is the process automated today? Please explain how
Do you send Account Statements and Payment Reminders? How and how often?
Do you have segmentation of your customers with different collection strategies?
How does a Collection specialist determine when to make the first contact and how?
Customer Relationship
How do you exchange/communicate with your customers today? Do you have a customer portal?
Where are notes stored after speaking to a customer?
Do you have lots of disputes? If yes, how do you handle them?
Do you know why customers are paying late or disputing invoices? If yes, what are the root causes?
Are customers able to pay online or on automated payment option?
Analytics / Reporting
What type of reports do you use today (aged balance? Others)
What frequency do you use these reports? How do you share/distribute them?
What KPIs do you measure (DSO, CEI, other)?
What is your ERP?
Number of companies/divisions
Please provide biggest pain in the process today and the main drivers for the project:
Please confirm that you have a budget for this project? Please also confirm the timeline